Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anatomy of a Travel Day

In most of my posts, I only comment on the various cities we play. Rarely have I posted about a travel day. Well as the day progressed on our travel day between Amarillo and Lubbock I realized that this day would make an interesting post. Here goes:

Generally on a long travel day, we make three stops: a morning potty stop, a lunch stop, and an afternoon potty stop. Our morning potty stop was at the McDonalds in Post, Texas. According the old men sitting in McDonalds, Post was named after the man who started Post Cereal. (That is Mike, Reed II, in his bus attire)

I'm pretty sure that the Tower Theatre in Post will be on the schedule for Wizard of Oz Year 8.

After leaving Post, I kept noticing these oil derricks (I think they are derricks. I really don't know) on the side of the road. So I snapped a few pictures of them from the bus.

It turned out there was a rainbow of oil derricks!

I also noticed a bunch of cotton laying on the ground. Sadly I could never get a decent picture because the bus was moving too fast.

Normally we stop at a mall for lunch. There is usually a large assortment of places to eat, and it gives the chance for people to do a bit of shopping. Well when you are in the middle of nowhere Texas, a mall is not an option. So we stopped in Plainview because there was more than just a couple of restaurants in the same area.

Apparently Plainview had a Cow Sculpture project like Chicago? There were a few of these cows around.

Nice cow.

You don't see one of these on the side of the road everywhere you go.

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