Monday, February 15, 2010

Amarillo, Amarillo, Amarillo

At some point in the last couple of Texas towns, I picked up a tourist brochure for Amarillo. I am glad that I did because there were several attractions that I wanted to see in Amarillo.

Firstly I decided to take the early bus to the theatre so that I could walk around Downtown. One of the sight that I wanted to see was the old stretch of Route 66 that still exists in Amarillo. Unfortunately it was too far to walk to before the show so I walked until I saw a sign that I could take a picture of.

I also want to walk past the Paramount Theatre. I am not sure if the Paramount is even used a a theatre anymore, but well you know me and theatres!

All around Downtown were the remnants of what I am assuming was an Amarillo public art display much like Chicago's cows: painted horses. This one was the "Starry Night Mare". Get it? I wonder what Vincent Van Gogh would think of this?!

We played the Amarillo Civic Center. It definitely felt like a Civic Center!

The theatre was a part of a huge complex including convention rooms and a hockey arena.

I enjoyed this poster if for no other reason that it was different that all of our other posters.

Ho Hum

The only thing that I found notable about this theatre is that the stage door was down a steep ramp leading to a loading dock.

The other attractions that I wanted to see were not walkable, but as it turned out Robert wanted to see them too. So we got a group together and rented a car the next day.

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