Monday, December 21, 2009

A Thanksgiving Detour

Last year for Thanksgiving, the Wizard of Oz company was in Philadelphia, PA for the holiday. It turned out to be one of the highlights of last year for me. Several of us musicians got up early to harass the actors as they marched by in the Thanksgiving parade, and then ran back to the hotel to watch them perform on TV. We had an intimate Thanksgiving dinner at an Irish pub thanks to several company members going home to New York. Best of all, I got to do some Black Friday shopping in Philadelphia!

This year we left Elmira, NY and ended up in Toledo, OH for the holiday. That sounds a bit random, but Cassie who plays Dorothy is from Toledo. Her family arranged to have the entire company over to their house for a Thanksgiving meal. A group of more than 30 actors, musicians, and crew crammed into a stranger's house? No thanks.

Since Toledo is only about 4 hours from home, I decided to rent a car and surprise Mom and Dad. Making my plan even more perfect was the fact that the next tour stop was in Aurora, IL. So I got my car and drove to Jamie's house and spent the night there. That way I was successfully able to pull off the surprise when everyone came over to eat! Then the next day, I got up early for a bit of Black Friday shopping and drove the rental car to Midway. From there I was able to take two trains and end up rejoining the tour at our hotel in Naperville.

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