Monday, December 28, 2009

Back To The Land Of Poutine And Curling, eh.

Once again I find myself behind in the blog by about a month. And once again, I am having to jump ahead in the sequence because I am in Canada for a week. I guess that I don't have to, but it is a convenient way to communicate with the family since I don't have a cell phone that works in Canada. Plus it keeps me inspired to work on the blog, and who knows maybe I'll catch back up!
So it is currently 2009 29 December (to do things in the proper Canadian way), and I finished my Christmas layoff and flew to Toronto. My flight was actually on an airline called Porter, which I had never heard of before. They seem to be a more upscale Canadian version of Southwest. They even fly out of Midway. After getting to the airport and having a mild heart attack at seeing the luggage scales weighing in kilograms, I discovered that I misunderstood the luggage allowances. You can check two bags for free but the "combined" weight can only be 50 lbs, meaning all of the careful packing and weighing of my bags last night was worth nothing (even if I had been weighing in kilograms!). I ended up having to pay anyway. Oh well, thank goodness for reimbursement!
Otherwise, everything else today went smoothly. The new security scrutiny did not really delay me any more than usual. I actually had two hours to sit at the gate and tell myself I did not need to go find something to eat. The flight was on a twin propeller type plane, but aside from the vibration and noise that was fine. Porter actually gives you a little sandwich and salad for free, and they use really glasses. Going through customs was pretty easy. Unlike everyone else in the Wizard company, I flew into the Toronto City Centre Airport. So not only did I have a great view of Toronto when I got out of the airport, I had a car waiting to whisk me away to exotic Kitchener, Ontario. Now that I am here. I'm going to go explore, eh.

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