Saturday, December 19, 2009

Binghampton...How Many Duplicate Towns Are There In New York?

When we boarded the bus Sunday morning in Wilkes-Barre to continue the tour, we did not know what awaited us in Binghamton, NY. This particular day was that most dreaded of things: the drive into a matinee performance. Which means that we left early enough in the morning so that we could be to the next city with enough time for a matinee performance. As scary as that may sound being one of the musicians, I cannot imagine being on the crew. They had to load out the set Saturday night, get on the bus, sleep a couple of hours, and then load the set into the new theatre. You would not think it to look at our set, but it is apparently very unfriendly to touring and therefore takes longer to load in and out than it really should. That is why we did not know what would await us. Would the crew pull through? Or would we be performing in a black box? To their credit, the crew was finished before we even got to the theatre having been sleep deprived and all! I've said it before. I could never do it myself, but I have great respect for the crew!

The other reason why I was unsure what to expect is the fact that I have now been to a few of these medium sized New York towns, and did not see how this one could be any better. Binghamton was for all intents and purposes the same as Utica, Schenectedy, Syracuse, etc. We were downtown, but nothing else was. It was Sunday which makes being in a small downtown even more difficult because nothing is open. Well that is not true. The CVS was open, but thank goodness the company provided catering before and between the shows. Otherwise we wold have been eating snacks from the CVS!

It was a little bit weird to be playing in a theatre that is my high school's colors.

One day I would like to find a purple brick road. That would make me happy.

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