Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Heart's On Fire For Elmira

Two days in Elmira, NY...There was nothing interesting to do so therefore I did nothing interesting. I can now check Elmira off of the list of midsized New York cities, and also look forward to my return for Beauty and the Beast.

At least the courthouse looked different than the courthouses in all the other New York towns we have visited so far.

One day before the show, I was trying to get a picture of this mural. A few minutes after taking the picture, an usher walked up to the pit to ask who was taking the pictures. Now sometimes I get hasseled by self important ushers when I take pictures so I was at the ready to put the usher in his place. Instead of telling me off though, he actually gave me a print of the above mural, and was all excited to tell me about how the theatre was recently renovated! Very cool.

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