Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TMBG In Santa Cruz

So for my half of the road trip with Matt, I had made plans to go see They Might Be Giants play in Santa Cruz. Matt only vaguely knew of They Might Be Giants, but was willing to give them a shot.

The Giants put on a good show although I have to say that the audience in Santa Cruz was very strange. They all bought tickets to be there yet they were not really all that into it. Oh well, I appreciated the concert!

Santa Cruz has a pretty famous boardwalk so after the concert we drove over to the boardwalk to see what it was like.

The boardwalk definitely felt like a blast from the past. In this age of mega amusement parks it was nice to visit the quaint Santa Cruz Boardwalk with its old carnival rides and food booths. I wish it had been light out though so I could have taken more pictures. Oh well. Unlike everything else on this trip to San Francisco, the Santa Cruz Boardwalk does not need to go on the next time list!

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