Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Rose By This Name Would Smell As Garlicky

When I first got to San Francisco, I put out a call on Facebook asking for recommendations of things to do and places to eat. One of the more intriguing suggestions came from my friend Sherry K. She suggested eating at a restaurant called The Stinking Rose. This particular restaurant specializes in all things garlic. So after failing at both my walk through the park and the Wicked lottery, I decided to treat myself to a nice meal.

I chose The Stinking Rose. Aside from the terrible service, I had an amazing meal with the highlight being the appetizer of roasted garlic that I ordered. I mean what could be better that a miniature frying pan full of cloves of roasted garlic!

In the spirit of full disclosure, I will admit that I ate so much garlic that I felt like I was going to die on the walk home. But we all have to die sometime and what a way to go: death by garlic!

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