Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Breakfast At The Wharf

As my time in San Francisco was coming to an end, I realized that I really had not spent any time at Fisherman's Wharf. So I headed up to the Wharf to have breakfast and to see the Sea Lions.

As much as Fisherman's Wharf is a tourist magnet, there is not really much to actually do there. There are restaurants and shops, but in terms of attractions there is nothing.

Since arriving in San Francisco, I had been craving the Boudin sourdough bread. There are a couple of Boudin restaurants around the city with the biggest one right by Fisherman's Wharf. I decided to have a breakfast sandwich there on my next to last morning in San Francisco. Needless to say, the bread was pretty amazing!

For whatever reason hoardes of sea lions gather right by Fisherman's Wharf and just hang out. So after breakfast, I went to go take advantage of the situation with my camera.

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