Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alcatraz - What Do You Have To Do To Get In That Place?!

So one of the more touristy attractions that I was lukewarm on seeing was Alcatraz Prison. The ferry ride out to the island is a little pricey, and the thought of visiting a dirty old prison was just not that appealing. But then everyone that I talked to told me how great the experience actually is so I relented and decided to give it a shot. Well sadly since I had not done any research about what it takes to visit Alcatraz, I did not realize that there are only a certain number of admissions allowed, and that the ferry rides fill up more than a week in advance. When I finally looked into it, all the trips to Alcatraz were booked for the week that I was there. Damnation! Yet another thing to add to the "next time" list.

This is the closest that I came to seeing Alcatraz on the ferry ride home from Sausalito.

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