Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coit Tower

Because San Francisco is so hilly, it is possible to get a great view of the city from many different places. According to my guide book one of the easiest places to get to and still have a great view is the Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill.

I must say that it wasn't exactly easy to get up to the tower. The picture below is the view down from one of San Francisco's infamous staircases. Imagine living on that street!

I read somewhere that the tower was supposed to resemble a fire hose because the woman who donated the money had a thing for firefighters. I think that is just a rumor though. It is just an Art Deco tower.

View of the Financial District

I don't remember exactly what that view is.

The building with the 8 is the restaurant Alioto's that I ate dinner at with Carolyn on our first night in town.

Alcatraz Island

Golden Gate Bridge

Bay Bridge

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