Friday, May 28, 2010


Our weekend in Waterbury really felt like deja vu. Just like Wizard of Oz, we played a five show weekend. Just like Wizard of Oz, we ate at the Chili's. And just like Wizard of Oz, the weather was rainy and gross for the whole weekend.

I did try to get out and see more of the city this time, and oh did I need to take a walk!

Waterbury is the city where we found out the bad news about the musicians for Chicago. Due to contracts with the musician's union in Chicago, only 5 of the traveling musician's were to be allowed to play. As my part is not as important as some of the others, I was not one of the musicians chosen. I could go into depth on this issue, but probably should not. I will leave it at this: I was not happy about this, and spent the next three weeks very unhappy. Well I am still rather bitter actually!!

How sad that our Wizard of Oz wall tag ended up behind the coffee box!

Onward to Canada!

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