Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kitchener In The Spring

I was happy to get a second chance to play in Kitchener. Considering the other time that I played there was right after Christmas, and it was cold enough that exploring was not really possible. What I discovered is that there is not really much to see, but at least I was able to get out and walk without risking frostbite!

I like to get a picture of a town's skyline, an interesting group of buildings, or just something that I feel represents that town. I was not so successful in Kitchener.

This cute little storybook building is on the way from the hotel to the theatre. This cute little storybook building is also a provincial courthouse. Canada is funny!

One of the most prominent differences between Canada and the US is their connection to England and the English monarchy. It seems like every Canadian town I have been in has a King and Queen Street. Statues of Queen Victoria are also quite numerous like this one from the appropriately named Victoria Park in Kitchener.

I thought this firefighter memorial was quite nice.

Exotic Canadian wildlife!

I got okay pictures at the Centre in the Square last time, but that did not stop me from taking a bunch more pictures!

I ventured into the lobby this time. I mean those light fixtures are just begging to be photographed!

Another Border Crossing, Another Visit To Niagra Falls

We made a pit stop on our way from Waterbury to Kitchener at Niagra Falls. Admittedly I was just there, but it was nice be return in better weather.

Jeremy bought a new camera too.

Somehow Carolyn ended up directing traffic on our way back to the bus?!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Our weekend in Waterbury really felt like deja vu. Just like Wizard of Oz, we played a five show weekend. Just like Wizard of Oz, we ate at the Chili's. And just like Wizard of Oz, the weather was rainy and gross for the whole weekend.

I did try to get out and see more of the city this time, and oh did I need to take a walk!

Waterbury is the city where we found out the bad news about the musicians for Chicago. Due to contracts with the musician's union in Chicago, only 5 of the traveling musician's were to be allowed to play. As my part is not as important as some of the others, I was not one of the musicians chosen. I could go into depth on this issue, but probably should not. I will leave it at this: I was not happy about this, and spent the next three weeks very unhappy. Well I am still rather bitter actually!!

How sad that our Wizard of Oz wall tag ended up behind the coffee box!

Onward to Canada!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Waterbury Palace Theater (Improved)

Here are some new pictures of the Watebury Palace. Yet again, I'm so glad that I bought my new camera!

These make me happy!

A Surprise Lunch Stop

Needless to say that none of us were very much looking forward to our two day bus trip from Owensboro, KY to Waterbury, CT. Usually stopping at a fun mall can help to lift my spirits, but on this day we were told that we would be having a surprise for our lunch stop. This was especially welcome as our hotel from the night before in Washington, PA was the second worst tour hotel I have experienced yet (and that is saying something!). So as I was bouncing along on the bus, I did a quick GPS search, and came to the conclusion that Hershey, PA was going to be our lunch stop.

And I was right. We were dropped of at the Hershey's Chocolate World and given an hour to go crazy. Sadly the theme park wasn't open, although having just an hour would not really have justified the price of admission, but I have done crazier things!

Thankfully there are some fun things to do at Chocolate World like the world's largest Hershey Candy Store and of course the Chocolate Tour ride...

with the singing cows: "Can't be beat. Tasty treat!"

As it happened, the tour of A Chorus Line was playing in Hershey that week so I made Joey Chancey come over to say hi.

It was a fun lunch stop, although not even close to the Downtown Disney lunch stop!

Oh and of course, I had to buy something!