Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Morgantown, WV

To cap off our crazy Flint and Wabash week, we ended up in Morgantown, West Virginia. Why not?! We played on the campus of West Virginia University. Playing on a college campus was not a new experience for us, but this engagement had a couple of major annoyances. Firstly we were there during an audition weekend for the music school so there were nervous high school kids everywhere. Oh how I do not miss those days! Secondly the university had a production of Hamlet happening in the Arts Center where our show was playing. This would not have been a problem except that they would only give us a couple of dressing rooms as the others were being used by the students in Hamlet. The musicians are often made to dress in really unglamorous locations, but dressing in the hallway right in front of the elevator has to be the bottom of the barrel!

I don't think I really have to comment on the theatre. The pictures speak for themselves!

The other big annoyance was the fact that WVU's basketball team was playing a big NCAA game the second night of our show. Amazingly we did actually have an audience, but there were loud people all over the campus that night! I think that this round building is where the game happened.

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