Friday, May 29, 2009

Houston Zoo

I came close to going to the Houston Zoo last year with Steve Baldridge, but we were sidetracked on the way by the Natural History Museum. So this year I headed over to see what the zoo was like. The zoo is in the middle of a huge park called Hermann Park so it was somewhat difficult to find. It was worth the effort though as The Houston Zoo was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.

When you first enter the zoo there are signs everywhere for Toby the Red Panda, or as they claim, "The World's Cutest Animal". Now I will not deny that he is cute, but...

I would take an otter over a red panda any day!

Earlier in the week, the zoo hosted a Wizard of Oz day. Sarah, our first cover for Dorothy, made an appearance by the lion cage (imagine that!). I really did not know about it otherwise I might have gone. There were still remnants of the event though.

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