Thursday, May 28, 2009

Houston A Year Later

Our two weeks in Houston represented a first for me (well actually a second). It was my first repeat city between two different tours. Having already spent two weeks in Houston a year previous, I knew what to expect and was not looking forward to it. These are the things that I remembered about Houston from The Wedding Singer: it was really hot, downtown is a wasteland after 4pm, it was really hot, nothing is open on the weekend, it was really hot, and there is nothing interesting to do downtown. (Oh and it was hot!) So imagine my surprise when I actually had fun this time around. There still is not really anything to do downtown, but I discovered a few places farther afield. There were a few more food options. But most importantly we became addicted to The Flying Saucer! (Oh and it was still really hot!)

It is a little bit sad to me when interesting old buildings like this one get swallowed up by behemoth new ones.

I just love the former Enron building. It is so spectacular in a really blue sky like in this picture.

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