Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cosmic Bowling (and drinking)

When I arrived in Morgantown, I was at critical level with my laundry. Aside from underwear, I essentially had nothing that was clean. So one of my first activities was to seek out the laundromat listed on our city sheet. Along the way, I ran into Caitlyn who was walking in the same direction so we walked together. When I arrived at the laundromat it was closed, but we discovered a bowling alley. Caitlyn was inspired, and decided that the company needed a bowling outing.

So that night we reserved a couple of alleys and meet up for a night of crazy bowling and drinking.

Look at that technique. Those bowling lessons in Lowell were for naught!

Oh did I mention the drinking?!

Things got so crazy that Tim and Chris switched hats!

At some point in the evening, I decided that I had to buy a t-shirt to commemorate the evening. I chose the lovely lavender colored shirt that they were selling. Later on in the evening, I had to use the restroom, and came back to this spectacle. I'm pretty sure that I actually fell to the ground laughing.
All things said and done, it was a crazy fun evening though one that I was not ready to repeat for quite some time. In fact, I think that one bowling outing per tour is about my limit. Needless to say, I was at Burger King the next day consuming the magic fast food grease!

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