Thursday, September 8, 2011

Segerstrom Hall

When I was first walking around trying to find Segerstrom Hall where we were playing, and I was very confused. As I said, the theatre was a part of a performing arts complex. I saw the very modern and cool Concert Hall and just assumed that was where we were playing. Then I ran into Brett who pointed me in the right direction. It turns out that Segerstrom Hall looks nothing like a performance venue, but more like a museum (or something else).

That is it on the left. Now if you had never been there before which would you assume was a theatre?

Admittedly, the flying golden triangle thing is pretty cool, but otherwise it is completely nondescript.

Why are so many modern theatres red? I do like the jagged angles though.

I always enjoy seeing wall art whether it is paintings or posters. I especially like finding the shows that I saw, or wish I had seen.

It is interesting that Starlight Express played Costa Mesa twice given the fact that the tour was not financially successful and closed early!

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