Monday, September 5, 2011

Inching Our Way Up In Modesto

After having spent the weekend in horrible Reno, it seemed like we were inching our way up to actually playing a good town. Fresno was a step in the right direction, but only a step. We then continued the assent by going to Modesto next. I actually enjoyed our time in Modesto for several reasons. First our cellist grew up in Modesto and his parents had us over to their house for a party. Next we had a cabaret one night after the show. I am not generally a big fan of these cabarets, but this one was as good as any I have done on tour. Also there was a really good record store only a couple of blocks from our hotel! And finally we played the Gallo Center for the Arts which is a beautiful new theater in downtown Modesto.

I happened on this theatre when I was out walking, and I thought to myself, "I bet the neon is really cool at night".

It is!

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