Monday, September 5, 2011


I have a new addition to my "least favorite tour cities" list: Reno, Nevada. Casino towns are hit or miss, and Reno is definitely a miss. It is run down, dirty, full of sketchy people, and the casinos are not really even that good.

In fact Reno is where I had the woman at the bus stop, who was drinking a tall beer, call me Pee Wee Herman and try to bum cigarettes off me. Then when I had pulled out my cell phone to occupy myself she told me that I needed to be careful being on her left side with it because it would interfere!? That was my cue to move as far away from her as possible without missing the bus when it came! Looking back on the episode, it really seems a fitting experience to have had in Reno, and I should be grateful because in the end I got a good story to tell!

We actually stayed in one of the casinos, Circus Circus.

I was not a fan of the theater either. There was no room backstage at all. I think I spent most of my downtime sitting on the stairs leading down to the pit.

Thankfully Oz played Reno after I left that tour!

I am not sure why the rose ended up being so big in this one?!

I will admit that I did have fun taking pictures of the lights at night. Well that is when I wasn't trying to avoid the sketchy people.

Well you live and you learn. I learned that I do not want to go back to Reno!

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