Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ditching Tour For Disney

One day as I was looking at our schedule, I had the life altering realization that I could squeeze in a trip to Disneyland on a travel day. Since we were busing from Costa Mesa to Tucson that meant I could skip the bus, book a flight on Tuesday, and spend all of Monday in Disneyland! I did just that, and this time Gregg joined me. It turned out to be a wonderful, churro-filled day in the parks! And I did not have to bounce around on the bus just the Indiana Jones Adventure!

With my new low light lens that I purchased in Costa Mesa, this meant I could now take pictures inside of the attractions!

This is the viewing area for World of Color.

Oh Club 33, I will never have enough money to be a member.

Gregg loves churros.

The World of Color did not diminish at all on its second viewing!

Oh Christmas time in Disney (well okay Thanksgiving) how I love you!

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