Monday, October 26, 2009

What Does One Do In Worcester With Four Days Off?

Why go to Boston of course! After finishing up in Chattanooga we drove over to Atlanta to fly into Boston. From Boston we bused over to Worcester. After just a few hours in Worcester it was clear that we should have just stayed in Boston! For whatever reason we had four days off (well the musicians did at least) before our next performance so I tried really hard to find things to do in Worcester. In a reversal of my typical luck, it just so happened that there was a different show in town that I wanted to see and was able to see. The dance troupe Pilobolous was performing at the Hanover Theatre where we would soon be performing so I bought a cheap ticket and went Tuesday night. Other than laundry, that just about exhausted the other activities in Worcester so I spent two of my golden days in Boston.

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