Sunday, October 11, 2009

And That's A Wrap

Due to our performance schedule, we had our closing night party on Thursday night so that everyone could have all day Friday to recuperate with no matinee. The party was at a fun Mexican restaurant that I had visited my first time in Dallas.

The three reeds one last time. (For what it is worth most of what Brett is wearing is not what he started off wearing that night?!)

Our last chance to take "that picture"

After that first day we went to Disney World, Caitlyn was one of my tour favorites.

I love this picture. I'm not so sure that she does though.

Ryan and Dan (stage manager #3)

Two Wicked Witches!

Ryan and Kaitlyn (waredrobe)

Two former roomies
And that was essentially it. We finished out the weekend and flew back to our destination cities. Some of us were looking ahead to year two of Wizard of Oz, but most were not. For those of us who were though, we first had to survive 3 months of summer!

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