Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Remember Me To Herald Square

Aside from Times Square, Herald Square is probably the most annoying area of Manhattan to walk through. I have tried to avoid Herald Square in the past, but as I was working in the middle of it for two weeks it was hard to avoid. There are really only a few reasons to be in Herald Square:

The Empire State Building is in the Herald Square area. The funny thing about a tall building like the Empire State is that I walked past it several times without realizing it. I guess that I needed to look up!

Obviously Madison Square Garden but also Penn Station

There are a few affordable hotels in Herald Square like the Hotel New Yorker above. Unfortunately they are really dumpy and full of tourists. I'll take Eric's couch any day.

And of course, Macy's (as well as other fun shopping including 2 H&Ms!)

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