Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm Bidin' My Time

Having spent one week of the four week layoff in New York, that left me with just three more to make it through. Unfortunately I do not deal with free time very well. For all of those years when I worked at the Woodwind full time and played 6 (or up to 9) shows at Amish Acres, it was as much to give me something to do as any other reason. I am not one for sitting and watching TV. Reading is something that I do in the pit. I do not knit or crochet. In other words, I do not handle free time very well. Mostly what I like to do in my free time is to go shopping or go see shows, and therein lies my problem. I was limited in both of those endeavours due to my lack of a paycheck. So I did my best to actually find productive uses of my time on break.

First and foremost, I still had the wreckage of my life cluttering up my parent's and brother's homes. So I spent quite a bit of time trying to organize and downsize all of my clutter into a manageable amount. I can honestly say that I made some progress towards this end, but I still have a long way to go.

I did meet up with some friends, but I tried to make those meetings productive though. I drove out to Elkhart to get my taxes done, and then I meet up with Sherry, Vickie, and Jon for dinner. I took a quick trip to Indianapolis to see Roger, a good friend from college, and to see Cirque du Soleil's Saltimbanco. (Okay maybe that was not very productive, but I would really like to get into a Cirque show some day!) On Valentine's Day, I meet up with Heather the Groovy and her cousin Jason for drinks and Mexican food. (This I feel was a very good use of my time. Making fun of couples on Valentine's Day is one of my favorite pastimes!)

I did take a couple of road trips to see other NETworks tours, but otherwise I really just tried to hang out, practice, and not spend too much money. In fact I did not even make it into Chicago. And I was really hoping to see Xanadu again. Alas!

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