Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's Do The Time Warp Again!

Okay now that I've finished up with my two week run in New York, I'll return to the end of January and my one week vacation to New York!?!? Sorry!

So my one biggest beef with our tour itinerary for The Wizard of Oz was the scheduled four week layoff in February. Four weeks is a long time to not have a paycheck especially in February when the prospects of getting a temporary job (let alone another gig!) are minimal at best. So in typical fashion, what did I do? Went to New York of course!

Heather ice skating in a tree
All the way back in October when we were in Orlando, I got a call from Heather. She was dying to see Daniel Radcliffe in Equus, and wanted to make a return trip to New York with me. A couple of years ago we had a most successful New York trip in which we discovered the existence of the Toilet Genie. So for those who know the Toilet Genie, you know that his siren song is too powerful to resist. Since I also wanted to see Equus, I got out my schedule, and we planned our trip for the first week of my layoff.
Since Heather's NYC friends were in Germany, we bugged Uncle Glenn and he used some of his magic points to get us a room at the Sheraton Towers Hotel so that we would right in the center of the action. Thank you Glenn!! Heather and I have an unspoken understanding when we go to New York. She is not as into seeing shows as I am so I will do anything during the day, but at night my butt is probably going to be in a theatre seat. And that is okay because I enjoy doing most everything that Heather enjoys! Shopping, museums, eating are all things I can handle!

The view from our room without my fat head in the way!
Heather chose to go the Guggenheim Museum which turned out to be a fortuitous choice. Not only was the exhibit interesting, she saw two very cool people. One of the two was a artist who was doing a performance piece in the exhibit called the Bean Turner. Basically she walked around with a giant paper envelope filled with beans which she turned over periodically making a rather loud sound. Since the beans were spilling out, Heather helped herself to a few, and of course that led to me sing, "Beans? Beans, the special beans..." much to Heather's consternation! The other person we stalked was none other than performance artist Laurie Anderson. We were trying to get a picture on the sly with Heather and Laurie in the background, but alas my slowness on the draw caused us to miss the chance. Oh well.
I too made a couple of good choices. I took Heather to the Strand which turned out to be a great decision. She had a field day amongst the thousands of used books. She also very much approved of my choice of lunch at The Chelsea Market. I had no real agenda so I pretty much tried to think of things that Heather would like.
On Saturday her friends had returned from Germany and were rested so she parted ways with me and went to spend time with them. So then I did not see her until our what was to be our flight home. That is not knowing the fun that awaited me at Laguardia Airport!

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