Sunday, April 12, 2009

In The Middle, In The Middle, In The Middle

So I have been known to go to great lengths to see a They Might Be Giants concert for example the New Haven, Connecticut trip. As it turns out, the Giants were playing at Le Poisson Rouge on the first Saturday night of our New York run. After quite a bit of planning and analyzing, I decided to buy a ticket. Saturday was our three show day with the third show starting at 7:30pm. The Giants concert started at 8pm, but of course they had a warm up group so, knowing that i would be done at 10pm, my hope was that I would be able to catch a couple of songs before the concert ended.

After the last note of Wizard was played, I threw on a pair of jeans and bolted from the theatre as fast as possible. Luckily the subway line that I needed was just outside the stage door. In an unusual change in my luck, the express train came within a couple of minutes, and before I knew it I was walking to the club. As I walked in they were playing one of my favorite TMBG songs, Experimental Film. The horror of the three show day melted away, and I was treated to at least 7 songs. (I made it for the last two songs of the regular set and the encores!)

Everyone that I told about my plans thought that I was nuts, but it was totally worth it for me. It was the perfect way to end a horrific day!