Monday, November 10, 2008

Once again I am the bad son

The thing about touring is that one loses all concept of time. All that I ever know is the day of the week, and what time I have to be at the theatre. So remembering things like birthdays has become even more difficult than they were previously. Sadly I even have most birthdays entered into my phone's calander. So on Saturday when I saw that it was Mom's birthday, I thought to myself, "I need to call and wish Mom a Happy Birthday". Guess what I forgot to do! I don't know what else to do to help me remember. Oh well, I think that people are probably accustomed to me forgetting birthdays by this time.
Now hopefully I can remember to buy some birdseed when I get home in December!

1 comment:

mrs.claus said...

So... I wrote a big long comment the day after the election only to get to the end & realize our e-mail address had changed & I couldn't send my big long comment! Yes I could've set up a new account but I was annoyed & in a hurry!! You didn't really miss the B'day congrats -- J & T didn't say anything, probably because I said the middle of last week that we could "do" my B'day & Bryan's both this week (it'll be Thursday actually), but you can still get some bird seed -- thistle (niger) would be good.