Wednesday, November 5, 2008

After 8 Long Years...

I am actually proud to be an American again. As fate would have it, I was in New York during the historic day, and here are some pictures.

This is how things were shaping up after I got out of the show.

I then met Brian in Rockefeller Plaza. I am about to enjoy my blue election cupcake from Magnolia Bakery.

When I got there Obama had 207 electoral votes. There wasn't much happening except the occasion cheer when people were on camera. Then all of a sudden there was a huge uproar, but I couldn't tell what was going on. All I knew was that the Obama counter was going up and ended up surpassing 270. Brian filled me in that the west coast states had just posted results, and that pushed Obama over the top. There was much cheering and celebrating, and suddenly everywhere you looked there were TV cameras. It was truly exciting to be in the crowd for such an amazing event.

After we left Rockefeller Plaza we went over to the Fox News Studio to take pictures of the news ticker and laugh at all of the bastards. It did not disappoint. By the time we walked the two blocks to Fox, they were already tearing the outdoor stage and camera equipment down. Ha Ha!

When we were done gloating, we walked back to Times Square. On the way, we ran into Max from Wedding Singer and Jason who toured with Brian on Miss Saigon. That was our second "small world" encounter that day! They were out celebrating also. The above picture is the CNN setup in Times Square right by the new TKTS booth.

Times Square was a mob scene, but Brian and I decided we wanted to watch Obama's acceptance speech on one of the CNN jumbo monitors. So as you can tell from the progression of pictures, everyone was waiting for him to take the stage. Then as it neared midnight, he actually made an appearance.

And then literally as he was just about to start his speech, all of the monitors went to the test pattern. Needless to say there were many unhappy people. We are still not sure what happened, but they did not ever come back on with the speech. So before a riot began, we decided to get a bite to eat and head back to Brian's apartment. The subway ride home was an amazing experience. Everyone was cheering, dancing, singing, and talking to each other. There was such an amazing atmosphere of joy and relief that I have never experience in New York before. Again it still amazes me that I just happened to be there at the time. Thank goodness for our large unwieldy set for The Wizard of Oz!

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