Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Visit With The Sunshine Boys

So all the way back in April when I was in Fort Myers with The Wedding Singer, my friend Jim came down to visit me on Friday. Sadly though he had to work the next day early in the AM (Jeremy had to work on Friday and did not make the trip down) so he did not stay to see the show. I told him not to be too disappointed as it was just The Wedding Singer, and that I would not take it personally. I did however say that if I came through Orlando with another tour and they did not come see it, I would be personally offended. Fast forward to the present where I was just in Orlando with another tour, and I am glad to say that both Jim and Jeremy were true to their word. Jim came to see Wizard on Tuesday, and Jim and Jeremy both came on Wednesday. In fact Jim was my first acquaintance to come see The Wizard of Oz. They seemed to enjoy the show (even though they witnessed what is probably the worst tragedy that can befall the orchestra on Wednesday night. More on that later!).

After the performance on Tuesday, Jim drove me out to spend the night in their new house. They moved to Orlando from South Bend back in January of 2007 and had been searching for the right home since then. They apparently found it because they bought a home a couple of months ago and are in the process of making it their own. I am proud to have been one of if not their first guest in their new home. I of course could not resist the temptation to get out the camera and snap a few shots for their friends back north and out west. They were still in the process of painting many of the rooms so I only took a few pictures. I will just have to come back when it is done!

Yes Scott your paintings made it to the new house and will have a place of prominence. They even found matching pillows!

The blue glass collection has also made the move.

This is one of the rooms that was mostly finished. As you can see Juniper is still around tormenting anything made of leather!

Unfortunately the most important feature of their home is not completed yet. Their pool is really a big concrete hole in the ground. But from what I understand it is going to be spectacular. They hired a fancy schmancy pool designer and everything. Maybe if I start dieting now I can even get in the pool the next time I come visit!
So then after quite a bit of indecisiveness (some things will never change!) we decided to go to Universal Studios on Wednesday before they came to see the show. The results will comprise the next post.

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