Saturday, October 25, 2008

Playing Catch Up: Tampa (the show)

Ryan and Taylor

Bruce and Pat (Wicked Witch)

Ryan and Joey
Ryan and Brian

Ryan and Bobby

Our first performance in Tampa was our third performance overall, and it was also the opening night for the tour. All things considered, it went pretty well. The production is really pretty big, and there are still some technical issues being worked out to this day. Thankfully we had an opening night party. It was a fun event held on the rooftop bar of a restaurant called Fly. It was nice to finally be able to meet and talk to the other company members. Since I had a cold in Gainsville, I had been trying to keep myself sequestered. One of the best parts of playing the show in Tampa was that I could actually see most of the stage. I could not ever see the stage during The Wedding Singer because I was too close to the edge of the stage.

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