Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Two Long Days in the Emerald City

I have just finished my second day of rehearsal for The Wizard of Oz. The good news is that the show sounds really good. I have only rehearsed with the orchestra so far, but tomorrow we add the cast. So far the guys in the orchestra seem really fun. We have not had much time to do anything except to go out for drinks after rehearsal. Although if I was going to be in a place and not have much time, I am glad that it is Gainsville. The town itself seems a bit dumpy. (At least where we are staying) I have not had much time to explore the campus. Perhaps in the next couple of days I will have more than just a dinner break to walk around.
I am starting to catch up on sleep after the craziness of last week, but I am pretty sure that this hotel does not agree with my allergies. I have been sneezing like a maniac, and today I woke up with a sinus sore throat. Thankfully we are only here until Sunday.

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