Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Newest Member of the Claus Clan

This is my newborn niece Tatum. She was born last Wednesday, and was a certain number of pounds and ounces. (I never remember these things. I am sure that Mom will fill in all of the details.) All that I know is I now get to shop for cute little baby clothes again!

Here she is with her sister Reagan and cousin Zachary.
7 more days in Atlantic City.

1 comment:

Laura said...

So... Tatum Helena Claus weighed 9lb. 8oz., is 21" long & has a 13" head (unlike her sister's, father's & both her Uncle Ryan's & Uncle Jamie's 14 1/2" heads! Ouch I say to 3 out of 4 of those!!) And where'd that dark hair come from?? Blond babies are a Claus tradition -- until now, that is! We'll take her even if she's bald like her dad!