Sunday, August 31, 2008

New York one last time

So back on the 11th, I made my final trip up to New York. Brian's birthday was the previous Saturday so it worked out perfectly. I was able to help him extend his birthday festivities to a fifth day of celebration. (I need to take notes for my birthday next year!) Brian's goal is to get me caught up on all of the trendy fun restaurants in New York. Last time we went to Rice to Riches, and this time we went to Max Brenner's Chocolate Factory. I had the molten lava cake with raspberry sauce, and a white chocolate chai. (You know I am starting to notice a trend here. And I wonder why I did not lose any weight this summer!)

This New York trip was pretty chill. I did not see a show that night instead I chose to see Melissa and Emma. Well I saw Emma, but she was trying her hardest to not see me. I tend to have that effect on children! I did get to hang out with Katie, Tracy, and her husband Scott (all Round Barn alums). I had lunch with Eric and Brian the next day, and we all grabbed cupcakes right before I hopped on the bus back.

It has been nice to be so close to New York that I can take a trip in to see people, and not be crazy about seeing shows. Although I still love to see shows, and I have a feeling that my next New York trip will be a crazy theatre marathon. I still have the fever after all!

On a side note, Eric is in Atlantic City today to play for a "Jersey Boys" gig. The original guys from Jersey Boys have been doing concerts on the side and Eric plays for them. So I am going to meet up with Eric and his parents before the matinee today for lunch, and then they are going to come see The Wedding Singer. He was originally going to come last night, but I am relieved that he did not. Our closing night party was the night before, and given that there was an open bar the show was not our best effort last night!

2 more days in Atlantic City.

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