Saturday, August 23, 2008


The following is a list of the books that I have read while on tour:

-Among The Thugs
-The Kite Runner
-Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
-When You Are Engulfed in Flames
-The Year The Yankees Lost The Pennant
-Nashor Sculpture Center Handbook
-Michael Tolliver Lives
-The Code of the Woosters
-Jeeves and the Tie That Binds

The Wedding Singer has an average amount of reading time for a show, even in the 90 minute version. It took me a couple of weeks before I was comfortable reading during the show, but after that point there was no looking back. By far my favorite book of the bunch was Stiff. I also really enjoyed Middlesex and The Kite Runner.

I am not sure how much reading time there will be in The Wizard of Oz given all of the underscoring, but since we will be busing instead of flying I will actually have more time to read. So if anyone has good book suggestions, I would gladly take them.

9 more days in Atlantic City.


Laura said...

So... get out your guitar & start to celebrate! Today is Milly Del Rubio's 87th B'day!!! (She's the only triplet left.) According to Wikipedia, the Del Rubio's "rose to notoriety in the 1980's due to their campy style of dress & goofy interpretations of songs" (They are also direct decendants of Pocahontas & husband John Rolfe!) Maybe SHE could be Auntie Em?!?!

Laura said...

So... if you run out of things to blog about, you could mention that new little niece!!!

Ryan Claus said...

I am hoping that my brother with the big ass camera will send me a picture that I can include with the blog entry. Who wants to just read about a newborn?

Laura said...

So... the brother with the big ass camera didn't take it with him when he went to see her at the hospital because he didn't want to be "obnoxious"! Since when, especially when his sister-in-law is involved?!?!?! Oy!