Friday, June 20, 2008

Party in Hartford

We had a party here in Hartford Tuesday night to celebrate the end of the regular run of the tour. It was a chance to say goodbye to those who are not continuing on to Atlantic City, and hello to the newbies. I seized upon the opportunity to take a few photos:

Dan (Guitar II) and Ryan

Joel (Company Manager), Laci (Wardrobe), Dylan (Trumpet)

Ryan and Joey (Keyboard II)

Ryan and Tommy (Bad Hair Guy and my roomie!)

Sarah (Holly) and Ryan

Ryan, James (Fake Reagan), John (Props)

Laci, Ryan, and Tami Lee (Wigs)
Greg (Drums), JJ (George), Ryan

Ryan and Nate (Conductor)
Ryan and George (Chorus)

Laci and Ryan
Dylan, Max (Reed II), and Merritt (Robbie Hart)
Jenny (Assistant Electrician) and Ryan

Andrea (Linda) and Ryan

Merrit, Kim (Fake Tina Turner), Nick (Sound Op), Jason (Fake Mr. T), Alex (Bass), and Ryan

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