Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nancy and Deb

Most readers of my blog know my roommate Scott. He truly is the ideal roommate. I have very much enjoyed my 8 years of rooming with him here in Nappanee. One of the benefits of having Scott as a roommate is his sister Nancy and her partner Deb. Nancy and Deb live in Long Beach. Nancy works for the M&M Mars Corporation, and Deb is a nurse. Nancy and Deb are also the coolest sister and sister's partner of a roommate that one could possible wish for.

Nancy's job requires her to travel quite a bit including many trips out to New Jersey. So Nancy makes a few visits to Nappanee a year. It is always so much fun when she and Deb visit. Up until last week I have not been able to return the favor. Thankfully that changed.

Since Escondido is less than 90 minutes from Long Beach, they made the trip down to see The Wedding Singer on Saturday. I am thankful that they did because I think their presence added exponentially to the audience total that night! It seems like they really enjoyed the show. Nancy said that they laughed throughout the show, and had several moments of "Oh no they didn't".

They did drive back after the show. Since our hotel for Sunday evening was booked by LAX to facilitate the following travel day, I had the evening free and could stop by Long Beach to visit and have dinner. I have heard on many occasions from Scott about how nice their house is, and how much fun Long Beach is (especially during Pride!). Well their house is very nice, and they have a very cute little puppy.

After chatting and having a drink we went out for sushi. We ended up with so much food (which is often a problem when ordering at a sushi restaurant), but it was all so good that there was very little left. I think that Deb was glad for my visit if for no other reason than Scott would not be caught dead at a sushi restaurant! The tuna sashimi that she chose was so yummy!

I left that evening thinking, "Okay so when I come back to do justice to Disneyland, I will have to make a proper visit with Nancy and Deb." If nothing else I need to see all of the bars and clubs that I have been hearing about from Scott over the years!

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