Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Back to it in Hartford

All in all I had a pretty good two weeks off. I got to play a few performances of The Music Man, and then leave. I saw some of Speed Racer, Horton Hears A Who, and Prince Caspian (twice). I got to have dinner with Tanya and Dan; Sherry, Vicki, Jon, and Scott; and lunch with John Wiseman. I was actually around for a holiday, Father's Day. And I paid a quick visit to Grandma, Grandpa, and Linda.

But now I am in back on the tour in Hartford. Hopefully I remember how to play the show!


Laura said...

So... is Penny (a.k.a. The Wedding Singer's Grandmother!) doing Atlantic City?! It sounds like it would be her "cup of tea" -- or mayber "glass of something harder"! The rest of the cast will have to brush up on their ad libs!!!

Ryan Claus said...

Penny is doing most of the Atlantic City run. She has been rehearsing the 90 minute show during the day and performing the full length show at night. So far so good!