Sunday, June 22, 2008


Here is another picture from Wednesday night's party, but this one needs some explaining. This is a picture of me and Cimma. Cimma is demonstrating the proper execution of what has become my nickname. Perhaps some might think that one's own last name is not really a nickname, but not so in this instance. It is very much about the inflection, pronunciation, and hand gesture. It is pronounced in a very throaty manner, with an emphasis on the "ow" sound in Claus. Plus one fist must be raised and waved in a threatening manner.
The reason why I had Cimma do this in the picture is because of a very amusing incident in Pittsburgh. I was walking to the theatre, and Cimma was across the road waiting to cross. She saw me and called out "CLAUS" and did the accompanying gesture, but I did not hear her or know that she was there.
Needless to say that she felt quite foolish, but it makes for a very funny mental image.
Sadly Cimma is one of the cast members who chose not to go on to Atlantic City. She was the first person to introduce themselves to me in Charlotte, and is just one of the many cool people leaving.
Today is our last day of school before we begin the summer session. It is very surreal to think that tonight will be the last time that we play Someday, Right In Front of Your Eyes, and a few other songs. As of last night I have played them 100 times. It should be an interesting show tonight!

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