Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Opening Night in Tempe

-Tonight was our opening night in Tempe, and it was so much fun. It is amazing the difference it makes to perform on a college campus. Tonight was the most responsive audience that I have experienced so far, and tonight was performance number 85.
-It was also a bit of a stressful night for me. John Mezzio, who is the musician contractor and musical supervisor for Wedding Singer, was in the audience for the first time since I joined the tour. The thing is that I have never actually played live for him before. When I got the gig, all I did was send in some sound files. We did also make a recording of certain songs to send him so that he could give notes. But other than that, he has not heard me play live. So I was extra conscientious tonight. I did not get to talk to him, but Nate said that he was pleased with my playing and brought me up specifically. I hope so because I love touring!
-We also had an opening night party here in Tempe. It was at The Big Fat Greek Restaurant on Mill Street in the college hangout neighborhood. It was a fun party. The food was really good. Any place that serves Chicken Souvlaki for an opening night party is fine by me. I was a bit depressed at first though because we only got one free drink ticket, but all of that changed. By the end of the night, I had four free drinks. This was through a combination of being given two more drink tickets, and one really cool waiter! I now have a new fun drink to order when I go to Greek restaurants. The Ouzo Bomber, made with ouzo and Red Bull, is very yummy, and it is interactive! What a great opening night party!
-By the way, Andrea who plays Linda took this picture of us during the Exit Music one night. I am such a nerd though because I have my head in the book while Dylan and Max are looking at the camera. Oh well!

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