Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Haven and Yale

A few years back, I took a road trip to New Haven for three reasons: firstly I wanted to see They Might Be Giants in concert there, secondly I wanted to visit the Yale Campus, and lastly I wanted to swing down to New York for a quick visit. I have to say that my initial impression of New Haven was not so favorable. Usually when driving, I have a pretty good sense of direction or at least can follow directions pretty well, but not so in New Haven. I drove around for quite some time before I got myself oriented. I was quite annoyed! I also had these grand visions of what Yale would look like. I imagined big expanses of green lawns with amazing old buildings forming the campus. That is not the case. Yale does have some pretty amazing architecture, but it is totally surrounded by urban sprawl. No rolling green meadows like I pictured. (Maybe I was thinking of Dead Poet's Society or something)
So I was glad to be able to give New Haven a second chance as a tour stop. Knowing what to expect, I was much happier with my trip to New Haven this time.

New Haven does not really have a skyline.

The view out of my hotel room!! It is a good thing that I cannot travel furniture on the bus!

The Long Wharf Theatre is a very well respected regional theatre in New Haven. This sign was also right next to our hotel. Curiously I never found the actual theatre building just this sign. I'm sure that the theatre is somewhere, but I walked around looking and never found it!

Cool building on my walk to the theatre.

Toad's Place is where They Might Be Giants played.

I was glad to give Yale a second chance. There is much to admire in the campus architecture, but as I walked around taking pictures I found myself frustrated again.

Most of the buildings at Yale form a quadrangle. Meaning that the building forms a perimeter around the block and to get inside you have to pass through an opening in the building. Well given that most of these openings have a locked gate, it is really difficult to see much of the campus.

This is really just a taste of the cool architecture that exists on the Yale campus. Maybe if I go back a third time...

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