Friday, September 17, 2010

A Fitting Center For Scranton's Culture

I do not like Scranton so it is only fitting that I would not like the theatre in Scranton. The Scranton Cultural Center is currently a dump. The theatre is literally falling apart. The pit is tiny and totally inadequate and uncomfortable for an orchestra our size. The backstage area is huge yet there is no room in the wings (the sides of the stage). The dressing room area is also very lacking in terms of space and modern comforts such as warm water. I could go on and on, but as much as I do not like the Cultural Center I feel the same as I do about the town. I hope that they can turn things around and make Scranton a decent place. Until then just do not ask me to come back!

I just find it odd that they cannot slap up some signage of some sort saying Cultural Center. I realize that it is a theatre in an old Masonic Temple, but the building is very cold and uninviting in its current condition.

The other time that I played the Cultural Center I got terrible pictures because they keep the theatre so dark. (For good reason!) Thankfully I was able to overcome the darkness a little better with the new camera.

Hmm I wonder what used to be on the ceiling? And how badly did it deteriorate that they just tore it all down?

I wonder if any of the missing tiles have hit patrons?

Even the wall art at the Cultural Center gets on my nerves. Over the years it seems like the various performers have just scribbled whatever they wanted on the walls.

Sometimes you do run across a logo for a show like this one for Big.

I was a little sad that more people did not sign our wall tag, but I did hear a rumor that they are going to paint over all the wall art anyway. (As if that is the biggest problem with the theatre!)

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