Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Racing Against The Clock In Yosemite

After playing Santa Barbara, our next tour stop was in Reno, NV. For once I did not really do any research into fun extra curricular activities that I could take part in, but thankfully I was invited to join in one such activity. It turns out that Matt and Merrit had rented a car and were going to drive to Reno with a stop at Yosemite National Park on the way. Well needless to say I was more than excited to join them.

Without sounding ungrateful, the trip was not quite as successful as it might have been. First of all, we got a late start to save some money on the rental car. (Admittedly it was the difference of $100, but divided between 3 people that is not so bad.) Then we lost time with a lunch stop. So when we finally made it to Yosemite, it was already starting to get dark.

Because of the lateness of the hour we decided to stop and take pictures whenever we saw something amazing. Our ultimate goal though was to make it to El Capitan before it was too dark to see anything.

We just barely made it. In the small amount of time that we spent taking these pictures, it became too dark for my camera. Now if we had left 3 hours earlier...

I was honestly glad for the invite, and glad for the short time that I got to experience Yosemite. Sadly though, the fact that we were having to leave the park to get to Reno only poured salt on the wound!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Granada Theatre

Beautiful Theatre ... Mediocre Pictures!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hiking The Foothills

I knew that I wanted to go hiking the minute that I saw the foothills of Santa Barbara so I did a little research to discover what was available. There are quite a few trails to hike, but really I only had one option available to me. Since I had the show at night and no car to get me to the beginning of many of the trails, I opted for the Jesusita Trail. As it turns out, that was plenty. Including the mile walk to the trailhead, I walked about 10 miles that day. It was so worth it though for the great scenery and views!

It is nice to have the occasional sign letting you know that you are still on the trail!

Off in the distance you can see the Channel Islands. I became obsessed with getting out to them. Sadly it was impossible given the time of year and my time constraints, but one day...

I was able to pick out the Granada Theatre where Beauty was playing.

I mean, how could you not want to get on a boat and go check out those islands?!