Tuesday, February 8, 2011

She's Singing To Bring Down The Chandelier

By far the most striking feature of the Winspear Opera House (inside the house that is) is the chandelier. It is made up of hundreds of individual tubes that light up in the full rainbow of colors and raise and lower out of the ceiling in any pattern programmed into its computer. Generally the chandelier was raised up all of the way when they opened the house to the audience. As people walked in they would start to lower it into its programmed arrangement. Then as the overture started, the chandelier would retract back into the ceiling. It is a good thing too because apparently they got many, many complaints from patrons in the top tier who were afraid that they would have to watch the show through the chandelier!

So I really wanted to get a series of photos of the chandelier being lowered, and you would think that in a run of two weeks that would not be a problem. Well for various reasons this was the best I could do. Oh well!

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