Monday, February 7, 2011


If you can remember back a year ago when we were in Providence rehearsing Beauty and the Beast, I had made plans to go see the tour of Dreamgirls in Boston on our day off which happened to be Super Bowl Sunday. Well they ended up calling a pointless rehearsal on that day, and my plans were spoiled. After I found out that I could not go, I immediately went online to see if there was a time that our two tours would cross paths again. Well Dallas was that time. Since Dallas now has two touring venues, two different shows can overlap which was the case for us. We were at the AT&T Center and Dreamgirls was at the old Music Hall. So our tours did a ticket trade, and I got to see Dreamgirls at long last! And it was worth the wait.

I now have another entry for my "it figures" file. Dallas has a pretty efficient light rail train system that goes most of the places I could want to go. Well except for the Music Hall. Since I last played at Music Hall, DART has now expanded their system with a train that goes right to the Music Hall. It made getting to Dreamgirls quite easy, but why couldn't I have had that option the two times that I played there. It figures!

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