Monday, February 7, 2011

It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's The Wyly Theatre

The second theatre in the AT&T Performing Arts Center complex is the Wyly Theatre. The Wyly is a smaller space than the Winspear Opera House and is more multifunctional. It also is the home to the Dallas Theatre Center.

When I was researching if there were any shows that I could see during our two weeks in Dallas, I discovered that the Dallas Theatre Center was producing a newly revised version of It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's Superman, and they had a matinee during the week which did not conflict. Naturally I was excited because not only was this a second show I could see (Dreamgirls being the other) I have never seen It's A Bird... but have always been curious. So just like Dreamgirls our two shows did a ticket trade and to make matters even better the presenter gave us a tour of the Wyly Theatre. The theatre is designed to be vertical meaning that the theatre space itself is one level and all of the other spaces (like dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, and tech spaces) are stacked on top of the theatre. As for the show, it definitely feels like a musical version of Superman that was written in the sixties, but it was a fun afternoon at the theatre.

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