Tuesday, December 30, 2008

National Gallery of Art (West Building)

Continuing my tour of art museums, I took in the National Gallery of Art one day. The National Gallery is actually three different spaces. I'll start with the West building as it is the most well known, and the least interesting to me. It contains the majority of the art except for the modern art and sculpture. This is the type of museum that overwhelms me pretty quickly. There is so much to see, and I know so little about the art that I am generally only good for a couple of hours. Since I had actually started off in the East building, I was not at all thorough, but just picked the time periods that interested me.

I guess that this is the National Gallery's response to the Louvre's Glass Pyramid

I think that I saw this Toulouse-Lautrec in an exhibition at the Art Institute in Chicago. Unfortunately I have a terrible memory for art!

Here is an example of Monet that I like. It helps that it is the Parliament Building in London, and the colors are not too vomity.

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