Monday, December 8, 2008

Black Friday

-I have already covered Thanksgiving so I will skip ahead to Black Friday. Black Friday shopping has been an obsession of mine for some time. I used to have to call in to work with "turkey poisoning" to be able to do it. Last year on Black Friday, I was standing in line at Best Buy at 2:30am (a personal best just for the record). The cold weather, the tired bargain seekers, the packed parking lots, the angry people who arrive and see how long the line is; I love it all. So this year, I was pretty disappointed when I first saw our tour schedule and noticed that we would not be home for Thanksgiving. As hard as it was, I made the best of a difficult situation.

-So I got the newspaper on Thanksgiving day and looked through all of the adverts for the stores that I would be able to get to in downtown Philly. I did not even bother with the stores that were out of my reach as it would be too depressing. My choices were very limited so I chose to begin the festivities at Macy's, and then go from there. I arrived at Macy's at 4:30am and was shocked to see that there were only a handful of people waiting. As I was finishing up my shopping, I noticed that Robert, who plays the Wizard, was also shopping at Macy's. We exchanged a few words about how crazy we were. Afterwards, I went to a few other places, but it just was not the same. In years past, I would always start somewhere early and then meet up with Mom at JC Pennys to get Disney snowglobes. Then we would shop until the crowds got too ridiculous then go get an early lunch. This year I was shopping solo, and got back to the hotel by 11am. We had a 12pm soundcheck for our matinee that day, but I was done shopping regardless.

-Alas the things one gives up when touring!

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