Monday, July 14, 2008

A few photographic thoughts

Really with all of those rooms, Harrah's could not house us there?

"If I were king of the lampost"

Maybe this is why my allergies have been raging?!

Mmm tasty! Gotta love the Jersey shore.


Laura said...

So... lampost, dampost -- don't you recognize the sign of the "Deathly Hallows" when you see it?!? O.K. - so the Resurrection Stone circle is missing. I'm thinking somebody made it into one of those lights! Hmm... I guess Equus had me thinking of Daniel Radcliff/Harry Potter?!

Ryan Claus said...

No I did not recognize the Deathly Hallows sign, nor did I recognize that type of sea gull as one that Jamie has not seen in person yet. You can bet that will be presenting a full photographic essay on the loud wretched beasts. Perhaps I can get a good shot of them fighting over pizza crusts in a trash can on the Boardwalk!

Laura said...

So... Jamie may give up going West next month to head your direction to check out that "rare" bird AND clean up the -- that is water? -- in that disgusting picture! It makes Cedar Lake look great! How he'll get all the chemicals he'll need in the ziploc bag allowed on the plane I don't know. (Do the birds attack if you walk along eating your 50 cent pretzels?!)

Ryan Claus said...

I do not think that the birds would attack, but they do sit and scream at you. Then if they do not get their way, they poop on you. Eric Day the temporary bass player got it on my birthday as we were standing on the boardwalk waiting for food!