Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another Openin' Another Party!

So it has been a pretty stressful week, but we all survived. Not only did we have to rehearse the new cast, orchestra, and crew members; we also had to learn the new material for the 90 minute version of the show. Also the director and musical supervisor were here to freshen up the show. Tuesday night was our first performance and Wednesday night was the press opening. The musicians probably fared the best as we had the least amount of change. I truly pity the dancers though because the show is now one huge full out dance number after another. Thankfully we had a party on Wednesday night to keep us going through the tedious rehearsals and first performances!

Once again I was obnoxious with my camera at the party and here are the results:

Ben (Guitar I), Max (Reed II), and Eric (Bass)

Ryan and Eric
Ryan and Susan (Fake Imelda Marcos)

Ryan and Sean (Drums)

Ryan and Eddie (Harold)

Ryan and Tami Lee (Hair)

Ryan and Erin (Julia)

Ryan and Ashley (Julia the night Glenn saw the show)

Ryan and Kim (Fake Tina Turner)

Dave (Audio) and Kim
The party was a very nice affair. Most people dressed up for the occasion. In fact before the show there was a line to use the iron at the theatre. Sadly this is probably the last official party for The Wedding Singer. You never know though, we are here for 8 more weeks!

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